Booby Trap! at Providence Fringe Festival

After more than a year hibernating, we’re ready to play once again.

Next up: Booby Trap! a devised play written by Lily Mathews with collaborators Adam Kotin, Max Mathews, Kate Teichman, and John Bender for the Providence Fringe Festival (July 18-31, 2021). This exuberant group of performers, playwrights, cellists, and directors is truly delighted to dig in, make new work, and perform after a hell of a year.

The deets for all you hungry theatergoers:

By Lily Mathews

Saturday, July 24 at 7 pm
Thursday, July 29 at 8:30 pm
Friday, July 30 at 8:30 pm
Saturday, July 31 at 5:30 pm

The Steel Yard, 27 Sims Ave. Providence, RI (outdoor venue)

$10 (advance purchase recommended)

We’re excited to be back on stage performing alongside many other exciting acts that are part of FringePVD. Hope to see you there!